If you're a trainee radiography, or already qualified, we're inviting you our 'one-stop shop' recruitment event on 20th November 2019 at The Princess Royal Hospital, Telford.* Have a chat with the radiology team, enjoy a tour of the department, have an interview, and leave with a provisional job offer and the excitement of joining our family!
*We have jobs available at both The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and The Princess Royal Hospital, Telford.
The Radiography team at SaTH are a friendly bunch of ages and experiences who are pushing the department to the forefront with new technology and an emphasis on diagnostics for prevention as well as treatment.
Our Imaging departments and teams provide an imaging and treatment service at both hospital sites for the Trust. Some imaging is also provided within the community. These sites include Ludlow, Bridgnorth, Whitchurch, and Newport.
Our amazing team has been working hard to make sure the technology we use is up to spec and beyond what is used in Trusts across the UK. We are looking forward to exciting changes with an increased investment with two new CT scanners installed in 2016 and three new MRI scanners in the last 18 months.
The department is currently working through an operational plan which will see huge investment in our imaging equipment over the next 3 years. This includes a full transformation of our general imaging equipment to direct digital including replacement of our catheter and vascular labs. Alongside this, we are investing heavily in our teams including a rollout of our advanced practice training programme in areas such as plain film reporting, mammography, and fluoroscopy.
* You must be studying towards or already have a Diploma/BSc in Radiography and HCPC registered.
If you have any questions about the event, please email sath.jobs@nhs.net or call 01743 492 402.